Public Oversight

On September 10, 2022, by decree of the Head of State, the “Concept of State Financial Management of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030” was adopted. According to paragraph 5.6 of this Concept, NGOs and citizens are empowered to conduct public monitoring to identify adverse consequences for public interests from the expenditure of budget funds.

According to the “Rules for the organization and conduct of public oversight”, public control is the activity of subjects of public oversight carried out in the forms of:

  • public monitoring;
  • public hearings;
  • public expertise;
  • hearing a report on the results of the work of a state body or a subject of the quasi-public sector aimed at protecting public interests.

Public control is carried out by NGOs or individuals with the following possible actions:

  • sending requests to government bodies;
  • visits to monitoring sites;
  • studying media and involving journalists;
  • involving deputies;
  • own publications on social networks;
  • participation in meetings with representatives of the monitoring object and state bodies;
  • initiating analysis/hearings of government reports before the Public Council;
  • and so on.

The Public Council develops and approves a plan for public monitoring (a list of objects of public oversight, terms, goals, and objectives).