Internal Control Bodies

The internal control bodies conduct audits to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on public procurement.

Audits on the customer’s site are conducted based on concluded public procurement contracts to verify the legality of the deals and their execution.

Unlike preventive control, identified violations are penalized with fines or disciplinary actions.

Responsible institutions

The Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Functions and tasks

The Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a department within the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, responsible for executing and overseeing functions within the purview of the central executive body in the areas of national budget implementation and the servicing of local budget execution, the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Victim Compensation Fund.

The Bureau of Public Procurement Registry Management of the Treasury Committee has the tasks of organizing the formation and maintenance of registries of non-compliant participants in government procurement, in accordance with Articles 12 and 44 of the Law “On Public Procurement.”

Legal and Legislative Rationale

Approval of the Regulations on the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan

010000, Astana city, Mangilik El avenue 8, 'Government House,' entrance 1

Functions and tasks

The Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a governmental body directly subordinate and accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It oversees matters related to competition protection and the restriction of monopolistic activities, as well as the control and regulation of activities designated as a state monopoly. It also carries out state control and licensing in the field of commodity exchanges.

Legal and Legislative Rationale

About Certain Matters of the Competition Protection and Development Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Additional Information

The agency has regional offices in provinces, cities of republican significance, and the capital.

Internal Government Audit Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (IGAC)

Oversight of Compliance with the Republic of Kazakhstan’s Procurement Legislation, including Desk Audits

010000, Nur-Sultan city, Zhenis Avenue, 11.

Functions and tasks

The Internal Government Audit Committee (IGAC) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It performs oversight and execution functions in the realms of internal government audits, financial control, government procurement, state property, auditing activities, accounting, and financial reporting.


Legal and Legislative Rationale

The Regulation on the Internal State Audit Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Additional Information

Methods for Filing Complaints:

Regional Internal Audit Departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RIADs) 

Territorial Divisions of the Internal Government Audit Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Conducting Scheduled On-Site Audits

010000, Nur-Sultan city, Zhenis Ave, 11.

Functions and tasks

The Compliance Audit Office and the territorial divisions of the Internal Government Audit Committee (IGAC)—referred to as Regional Internal Audit Departments (RIADs)—are responsible for conducting audits at contractor locations.

The IGAC develops audit plans based on data from information systems. In addition to scheduled audits, the IGAC has the authority to perform unscheduled audits based on specific directives from the Government and complaints from stakeholders.

Legal and Legislative Rationale

Approval of the Regulation on the Internal State Audit Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Forms of documents

Template for Technical Specification: Tolerances Template for Technical Specification: Product and Service Names Template for Technical Specification: Conditions Template for Article 51 Procurements from Specific Categories of Suppliers Risk Template Template for PP 50: Procurements for Daily/Weekly Needs Template for PP 48: Supervision of Authorship Procurements Template for PP 42: Unjustified Selection of Single-Source Procurement Method Template for PP 32: Use of Single-Source Procurement Method by the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Template for PP 27: Procurements with a Conclusion from the Antimonopoly Authority Regarding the Absence of Private Enterprise Entities Template for PP 24: Representation Expenses Procurements "Template for PP 19: Educational Procurement for Individuals" Template for PP 9-1: Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services Necessary for Activities Related to the Prevention, Suppression, and Counteraction of Terrorism and Extremism Template for PP 3: Procurements for the Acquisition of Intellectual Property Objects Template for PP 3: Procurements of Intellectual Property Results Template for PP 2: Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services at Prices and Tariffs Established by the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan Template for a Complaint Regarding Incorrect Suppliers Template for a Complaint Regarding Improper Dumping in Construction and Design Works Template for a Complaint Against the Client. Violation of Deadlines Template for a Complaint Against the Client. Conditional Discount

Compliance Audit Office under the Internal Government Audit Committee (IGAC) of the Ministry of Finance

Conducting Financial Statement Audits

010000, Nur-Sultan city, Zhenis Ave, 11.

Functions and tasks

This office is responsible for conducting compliance audits focusing on expenses related to the escalation of budgetary costs in investment projects, and the use of both federal and local budget funds.

Legal and Legislative Rationale

The Regulation on the Compliance Audit Office of the Internal State Audit Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Government Agency Internal Audit Services

Functions and tasks

Within government agencies, specialized units are mandated to be responsible for internal control. 

The Internal Audit Service provides consultative assistance in organizing internal control systems within the government agency, its departments, territorial divisions, subordinate organizations, and/or in local executive bodies within the jurisdiction of the corresponding region, republic-level city, and capital city. These services are financed and/or receive funding from the respective budget.


Legal and Legislative Rationale

On governmental audit and financial control