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Independent Procurement Appeal System of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The implementation of an independent procurement appeal system is a crucial step for improving the effectiveness and transparency of public procurement processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The absence of such a system could lead to negative outcomes, such as corruption, inefficient utilization of public resources, lack of competition, and high costs to the public budget.

Without an independent appeal system, suppliers of goods and services could face the infringement of their rights during the procurement process. In such a situation, they would be compelled to resort to judicial proceedings, which could be both costly and time-consuming. This could lead to delays in the procurement process and a lack of access to essential resources for governmental agencies.

Other countries have long implemented procurement appeal systems that have proven to be effective and transparent. For example, Canada has established an Office of an Independent Procurement Ombudsman to protect the rights of public procurement participants. Another example is the United States, where there are Independent Boards of Contract Appeals that exercise impartial oversight over all stages of federal procurement procedures and handle related disputes. Thanks to this, the United States has one of the most transparent and competitive public procurement systems in the world.

Key points

Protection of Participant Rights

The importance of establishing a mechanism to safeguard the rights and legitimate interests of public procurement participants. This will enable participants to seek resolution of disputes through a third-party independent body.

Enhancing Fairness and Equality

An independent appeals system contributes to a fair and equitable competitive environment in public procurement, strengthening market relations and stimulating business community development through access to a vast government contracting market.

Reducing Corruption

A reliable system is established to prevent abuses and corruption in public procurement. An effective mechanism for addressing grievances and ensuring legal compliance is put in place, carried out by an independent third party that is unaffiliated with the government contracting agency or potential supplier.

Legislative Improvement

The appeals process can reveal issues and shortcomings in existing public procurement legislation, enabling amendments and improvements to the regulatory framework.

Increasing Transparency and Trust

The implementation of an independent appeals system enhances the transparency of public procurement procedures and increases trust from both businesses and citizens in government institutions and public procurement processes.

SME Development

 Creating an independent appeals system improves conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to participate in public procurement, promoting the development of these sectors and stimulating economic growth.

Efficiency of Government Expenditure

Examining grievances and appeals will uncover and eliminate inefficient use of government funds, ultimately improving the effectiveness of government spending.

Strengthening Accountability

An independent public procurement appeals system will encourage government agencies and procurement participants to act more responsibly and lawfully, improving the overall public procurement process.

Strengthening International Cooperation

Transparency, fairness, and efficiency in public procurement, ensured by an independent appeals system, can elevate the country’s reputation on the international stage, thereby attracting foreign investment and participation in international projects.

Civil Participation

The opportunity for independent appeals in public procurement allows citizens and the business community to take a more active role in overseeing government acquisitions and contribute to the improvement of this system.

Priority action plan

100 %

Current Situation Assessment
  • Data collection and research on the current situation in the public procurement sector in Kazakhstan. Identification of major problems and opportunities.

100 %

Study of International Practices
  • Review of experiences from other countries, such as Canada and the United States, which have successfully implemented public procurement appeal systems. Identification of best practices and their adaptation to the context of Kazakhstan.

100 %

Drafting Legislative Amendments
  • Based on research and international experience, the development of proposals for legislative changes to establish an independent public procurement appeals system.

0 %

Public Discussions
  • Organizing public discussions on the draft, involving stakeholders in public procurement, the business community, government agencies, and the general public.

0 %

Advocacy of Proposals
  • Presentation of the draft and its justification at the level of government bodies, including the parliament. Advocacy of proposals among interested parties.

0 %

Monitoring and Evaluation
  • After the adoption and implementation of legislative changes, ongoing monitoring and evaluation of their effectiveness should be carried out, and if necessary, adjustments proposed.

0 %

Information Campaign
  • Mechanism for Interaction between Kazakhstan’s Anti-Corruption Service and Civil Society Organizations in the Area of Public Procurement Monitoring

Knowledge base

Cost of building a school place in Kazakhstan for 2021-2022
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Coalition "Kun Zharygy": transparency and efficiency of public procurement in Kazakhstan. Monitoring, research, advocacy. Join us!

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Coalition "Kun Zharygy": transparency and efficiency of public procurement in Kazakhstan. Monitoring, research, advocacy. Join us!

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