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Suppliers: Case 1. Analysis of Competitor Business Activities in Government Procurement

Before diving into the actual implementation of the task, we need to formulate a list of questions we want to answer. In the context of this case study, as an entrepreneur, I might be interested in:

  • What are the procurement outcomes for my competitors?
  • Who are their target government agencies (buying authorities)?
  • In which solicitations are they participating?
  • What prices have they quoted in similar solicitations in previous years?

We start by opening the “Supplier Profile” sheet under the Suppliers group. In the “Supplier Name” field, we input the company name or Business Identification Number (BIN). As a result, we receive detailed data on that specific supplier.

In the upper-left table, we can review aggregated procurement participation results. This includes the number of awarded contracts and the total contract value broken down by year. It provides an assessment of the supplier’s success rate in bidding processes.

On the right-hand side chart, we can familiarize ourselves with a list of the supplier’s primary government customers and types of procurement methods used. Below this, we can examine the outcomes of bids submitted by the participant based on lot statuses and by industry involvement, utilizing a three-tier depth within the OKVED (General Classifier of Types of Economic Activity) hierarchy.

For further analysis, each visual element allows for filter adjustments, providing a more focused dive into subsets of data.

To more closely examine the target buying authorities of our competitor, we can navigate to the “List of Buyers” sheet. Here, all agencies that our competitor has interacted with are displayed, including their contact details and the results of these interactions.

We can notice that with some of these agencies, the proportion of non-competitive contract items is 100%. This means that all contractual relationships with these agencies were established through non-competitive methods.

By fixing the name of a specific procuring entity, we can delve into the study of their joint contracts or solicitations. To examine a solicitation, we open the “Lot Table” worksheet. To obtain detailed data on lots and bids, it’s necessary to select a specific solicitation.

Links within the solicitations are connected to the nationa procurement portal. The selection of a specific solicitation provides information on the lots and the number of bids. By choosing a particular lot, we can review the price proposal from our supplier.

This functionality is useful for studying previously submitted price quotes within similar procurements by target procuring entities.

To get more insights into the identified target procuring entities, you can acquaint yourself with their plans and check if there are any upcoming solicitations for similar Universal Classification Reference Numbers of Goods, Works, and Services (UNC of GWS or ENSRU in the original language).

To do so, open the “Plan Item Table” worksheet and filter the plan statuses, removing the “Published” status.

Within the scope of this case study, we have examined the activities of our competitors, identified their target procuring entities, determined their interaction history, and armed ourselves with pricing data for participation in future solicitations.