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Public Monitoring: Case 1. Analysis of Sole-Source Procurement Trends

According to Subparagraph 2-1, Paragraph 2, Article 13 of the Law “On Public Procurements,” contracting agencies should aim for competitive procurement methods when determining how to carry out public contracts.  

It is worth noting that procurement policies are geared towards increasing competitive acquisitions. However, contracting agencies often have an interest in utilizing sole-source procurements. In this regard, it is prudent to monitor public procurement participants to form a stance on the frequency of sole-source procurement applications.

Please refer to the chart labeled “Top 20 Contracting Agencies” under the “Contracts” tab to compare procurements based on the total value of executed contracts in terms of competitiveness.

To delve further into this subject, a thematic sheet titled “Non-Competitive Procurements” is available, offering tools for analyzing the non-competitive procurement environment. 

Within this sheet, metrics such as the number of concluded contracts, the total value of non-competitive contracts, and the proportion of non-competitive contract items by number and value are calculated.

In the absence of any particular sample, these data pertain to the entire public procurement system, covering all periods represented in the database.

Furthermore, two charts are displayed within this sheet:

  1. The first chart allows for ranking the aforementioned metrics across dimensions such as: contracting agencies, suppliers, procurement methods, industries, regions, and rationales for selecting procurement methods.
  2. The second chart facilitates the tracking of key metrics’ changes on a monthly basis over the past several years. You can lock in the time period for analysis within this chart.